

ESH Supervisor

薪酬: 面议
上海 应届毕业生
大专 2022-04-19



Job Description: 1.Make out the emergency preplan and safety regulation; and ensure the effective implement; Delivery necessary EHS training to employees. 起草并完善公司的各项安全规章制度和各类应急预案,确保安全管理规章制度的有效贯彻;负责对员工安全、环保和职业卫生的培训和宣传工作。 2. Routine contact with local government for trace Cooperate with relevant department to implement annual inspection for fire protection and special equipment.收集有关政府机关的安全、健康、环境法规政策及相关信息; 与政府劳动安全、公安联系,配合完成消防设施和特种设备的年检。 3. Monitor, measure and report on plant’s EHS metrics, including exhaust gas, waste water, solid waste and noise; Prevent and monitor the occupational disease; Ensure that overall EHS performance is in compliance with legal 定期对废气、废水、噪声排放进行监测,以及对废弃物的处理;职业病的检查和预防; 保证符合法律的各项规定。 4. Routine check factory for personal protect and safety regulation; Implement internal and external Environment Audit to ensure full compliances;例行检查的各部门生产现场劳动保护措施的落实和安全操作规范的执行情况,组织有关EHS的审查工作。 5. Investigate and provide practical solutions to the causes of non-compliances, Work out the corrective and preventive action.调查不符合规定的原因;确保各项安全、环境问题得到及时的纠正及预防; 6. Establishes and review safety environment standards, and regularly report in the database of AL Global EHS program制定安全、环保目标,并进行跟踪,定期通过专用数据库向总部汇报情况; 7. Investigate the causes of safety 有较好的安全/环保/职业卫生知识 5. Good commend for internal law and regulation; 熟悉国家有关法律法规 6. Proficient ISO14001 and OHSAS18001 management system;熟悉ISO14001系统; 7. Good communication and data analyzing skills.具有跨部门的沟通能力及数据分析
