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海威信(义乌)有限公司-最新招聘信息 已有 29749 人关注

海威信(义乌)有限公司 查看企业评价

公司性质: 私营企业

所属行业: 电镀材料

所在地区: 浙江-金华市-义乌市

公司地图: 义乌市香山新区  海威信(义乌)有限公司



海威信集研发、生产、销售和技术服务于一体,是一家专业为电镀厂提供专用电镀添加剂的供应商。公司创立于2000年,随着公司的飞速成长,海威信已经赢得了行业内的良好声誉。其主要经营具有世界前沿技术水平的表面处理产品,涉及功能性电镀、装饰性电镀、PCB线路板等诸多表面处理领域,适用于饰品、铝合金、五金、洁具、水暖器材、电子、灯具、餐具等器件镀银、多层镍、镀铜、镀锡、镀金等挂、滚镀、连续镀类产品。 此外,公司还专业代理国外优质电镀添加剂和纺织印染助剂。由于市场拓展的迅猛和业务发展的需要,公司目前已在苏州、台州等工业发达城市设立了技术服务中心,以更好服务于客户,为之提供充足稳定、品质卓越的产品和及时专业的技术服务。 海威信 经营理念:“诚信、团结、协作、创新!” 海威信 经营方针:“海纳百川、威震四海、信著八方!” 海威信 生存之道:“为客户提高产品质量、降低生产成本!” 海威信 服务精神:“认真、快、坚守承诺!” Harvarin is a professional supplier who concentrates on researching and development, production, marketing and technical service of special electroplating additives, and provides them for plating factory. It’s established in 2000, and has won good reputation in the industry along with its fast growing. Harvarin mainly manages professional surface processors with world's advanced technological level, involving the surface processing fields of functional electroplating, decorative electroplating, PCB and others. They are used in plating silver, multi- nickel, copper plating,tin, gold and other barrel plating on the produces such as garnishries, aluminum alloys, metals, cleaners, water plumbing equipments, electronics, lamps and lanterns, and tableware. Besides these, Harvarin is also a professional agent of foreign electroplating additives and textile auxiliaries with advanced quality. As the rapid development of marketing and the needs of business, the company set up its technical service centers in Taizhou, Suzhou and other developed cities, so that to serve customers better through providing sufficient and stable products, and offering professional and timely technical support. Business idea: "Honest, union, cooperation, innovation!" Business principle : “ Worldwide absorption , global fame, universal faith. Management way: "Improve product quality, reduce production cost!" Service spirit: Do earnestly, fast, and keep the pledge.
职位名称 工作地区 学历要求 工作经验 性别 招聘人数 薪资待遇 更新日期  
销售代表 金华市 高中及以上 1年以上 不限   若干 面议 2017-03-03   展开
化验主管 金华市 中专及以上 3年以上 不限   1 面议 2017-03-03   展开
售后服务工程师 金华市 高中及以上 不限 不限   1 面议 2017-03-03   展开