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义乌市福友文具制造有限公司-最新招聘信息 已有 18753 人关注


公司性质: 其他

所属行业: 其它

所在地区: 浙江-金华市-义乌市

公司地图: 义乌市荷叶塘工业区物华路6号  义乌市福友文具制造有限公司



义乌市福友文具制造有限公司简介 义乌市福友文具制造有限公司是一家专业从事环保PP整理文具生产制造商。其主要产品包括:文件整理用品(如资料册,文件包,文件袋,文件夹,档案盒,相册,笔记本)等系列办公文具 ,纸制品及生活用品等。其良好的信誉,过硬的产品质量,时尚的设计风格,赢得了巨大的的市场份额。内销市场包括华东,华南,华北及中西部地区100多个中等以上城市,外销几乎遍及欧美各市场。如北欧,东欧,南北美洲和日本,韩国,东南亚,中东及全球70多个国家和地区。 今天福友管理层面对现实,深刻认识国内外日益严峻的市场发展现状,福友人以沉着冷静的态度,一如既往把握产品质量关,视产品品质为企业生命,以人为本,提高员工素质,做好内外管理,加快生产效率,提高服务质量,倾听客户要求,把做事先做人作为公司经营的理念,从基层到高层管理者信守“德胜者其群必胜,德衰者其群必衰的信念”,在很大程度上赢得了社会的一致好评。 福友为适应现代国际市场发展需要,近年又陆续引进多套现代先进的生产设备,从PP板材,吹膜,制袋,印刷到相册生产流水线及全自动切割压膜机器等,有力地提高了生产进度及效率,为福友挤身国际高端市场铺平了一条平坦的大道。 福友借助自身优势,为适应新时期新市场发展需要,于2007年成立新产品研发中心,从产品颜色,功能,工艺外型,印刷等方面,解决了多项新技术工艺,新型材料复合生产难题。福友人努力实践,大胆创新,注重个性,适应市场,引领时代生活新潮流。 今天福友人满怀豪情,意气风发,以极大的热情投身于环保PP办公用品,学生用品,生活日用,整理文化用品开发事业,福友人愿与业界同行一道致力于二十一世纪名副其实的“科技含量“加工厂的美誉而发光发热。 追求卓越,品质超群,让福友誉满全球,让消费者认可福友,让福友成为千家万户的朋友,让每一个客户满意是福友企业最大的心愿。福友人热沈欢迎海内外采购商来涵,来电,来人洽谈业务,切磋学习。来吧,朋友,福友人愿您乘兴而来,满意而归,走进福友走进吉祥,走进成功,走进幸福,走向美好的未来! THE INTRODUCTION OF YIWU FUYOU STATIONERY MANUFATURE CO., LTD. Yiwu Fuyou Stationery Manufacture Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of environmental PP stationery. The main products are document finishing supplies (such as the clear book , documents case , file bag, file folders, file boxes, photo albums, noteped, etc.), office stationery, paper products, daily necessities and so on. Its good reputation, excellent quality and the fashion design has earned a huge market share in the world. The domestic market covered more than 100 middling cities and the above in East and South China, North China and Central and Western Regions as well as almost throughout Europe and the United States for export markets. Such as the Nordic and Eastern Europe, North and South America, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and more than 70 countries and regions of the world . The management of Fuyou payed a great attention to the realities of the day and profound understood the increasingly serious developmental situation of the domestic and international market. So we hold on the quality of products as before and regard the quality as the life of the company. Furthermore, we stick to the people-oriented concept, enhance staff quality, stress the internal and external management, increase production efficiency, improve service quality, listen to the demand of customers, grasp the management concept of "Learn to Be A Man Before Starting Doing Things " and keep to the faith of " A man with good moral will brossom his group, to the contrary, his will bring his group to the end." Consequently, to a great extent, the company has won a high praise in the society. In order to meet the development needs of the modern international market, Fuyou has introduce many sets of modern advanced production equipments in recent years. The machines include PP board, blown film, making Bags, printing, album production line, automatic cutting and squeeze-film machine and so on. All these equipments have improved production schedule and efficiency powerfully and provided a smooth way for Fuyou to enter into international high-end market. In order to meet the needs of new market in new period, Fuyou established the research and development center with their own advantages in 2007 so as to resolve a number of new techniques and new composite materials production problems from the aspect of product color, function, technique appearance, printing and so on. Fuyou is leading the new fashion style of life by meticulous practice, bold innovation, attaching individuality and adapting market. Today, Fuyou staffs are applying themselves to the career of office stationery, students' articles, daily necessities and document finishing supplies filled with enthusiasm and passion. We are willing to work together with other counterparts to devote every effort to making a genuinely "science and technology" processing factory of 21st century. It is our greatest hope to pursue excellence, to shine in high quality, to let every country and every customer know, accept and be satisfy with Fuyou and to make friends with the people from all of the world. Heartily welcome all the oversea purchasers to have calls, mails and negotiation with us. Come on, dear friends, we wish you come with pleasure and back with satisfaction. Choosing Fuyou means choosing luck, choosing success, choosing happy and choosing beautiful future!
职位名称 工作地区 学历要求 工作经验 性别 招聘人数 薪资待遇 更新日期  
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板材机机长 金华市 不限 不限 不限   2 面议 2024-10-06   展开
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外贸业务员 金华市 不限 不限 不限   2 面议 2024-10-06   展开
总经理助理 金华市 本科及以上 不限 不限   1 面议 2024-10-06   展开